What are BSC Smart Contracts?
Binance Smart Chain came as a solution to Ethereum’s congestion problem in September 2020. It works on the Proof-of-Authority mechanism and is much faster than Ethereum. Smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) use Solidity as their development language because of its property to undergo inheritance. BSC uses the BEP-20 standard similar to the ERC-20 standard of Ethereum in many ways.
Smart contracts on BSC are similar to Ethereum but differ in a few design principles. BSC has seen tremendous growth in the Web3 space and has attracted a lot of projects. It houses many successful protocols and projects. Our security experts are well-versed in auditing smart contracts deployed on the Binance Smart Chain.
Why Is It Important?
Smart contracts are immutable. Mistakes, once made, cannot be reverted. Take the wiser path to security audits and safeguard your and your users’ funds.
No More Loss of Funds
Vulnerabilities in BSC smart contracts can result in massive losses of funds, both yours and your clients. With ImmuneBytes audits, you can rest assured that your assets are safe on the blockchain.
Code Optimization
Gas plays an important role in BSC smart contracts. It becomes crucial to optimize the usage of gas in your source code. We not only reveal bugs but also offer recommendations for improving gas usage.
Build Trust
The stamp of an audit on your smart contracts attracts potential investors and clients. Smart contracts audited by ImmuneBytes have a lesser chance of getting exploited.
Migrate Your Smart Contract From Testnet To Mainnet,
But Without Vulnerabilities.
Why Should You Undergo An BSC Smart Contract Audit?
Binance Smart Chain is said to be the second-most exploited blockchain after Ethereum. Hence, we can be assured that it also seeks attention from malicious entities. If you are deploying your smart contract on the BSC mainnet, it is critical that you ensure no vulnerabilities open to exploitation. Undergoing a BSC smart contract audit offers you the protection you need against hackers. It also helps you build a strong portfolio amongst your community as clients tend to incline towards audited projects. With an audit stamp from ImmuneBytes, comes the surety of asset protection and a hack-proof system.
Lost in Crypto Hacks So Far
Lost in 2022 Alone
Hacks Targeted Defi Protocols
3x Damage
Lost funds + Lost trust + Lost market value
What Do We Offer?
ImmuneBytes offers complete, round-the-system security measures to secure your BSC projects. We execute integrated manual and automated BSC security audits. Thus, balancing inefficiencies, timeliness, functionality, and ambiguities in smart contracts.
Extensive Audit Report
Our audit reports are comprehensive and document every measure taken during the audit process. We classify the vulnerabilities according to their severity levels and offer remediations and code optimizations.
Check For 100+ Vulnerabilities
We analyze a smart contract for over a hundred vulnerabilities. These include bugs that have been exploited and others that could be exploited in the future.
Smart Contract Fuzzing
We fuzz-test your smart contracts as an additional measure. Fuzzing a smart contract ensures that it will not behave unexpectedly against any given input, minimizing the risk of hacks.
Post Refactor Reaudits
Not just once, we audit your code twice! Once your developers review our audit report and make the recommended fixes, we again analyze your contract and prepare the final audit report.
Security Test Cases
Our auditors use frameworks like Foundry, HardHat and Truffle to write unit test cases other than the developers provided. We ensure to traverse every possible branch of execution in the source code.
Quick Turnaround Time
A dedicated team of auditors is assigned to your project, who usually take 3-10 days to complete an audit, depending on the code size. We are result-oriented and understand the gravity of deadlines.
Crypto Exploiters Stole Away $3.8 Billion in 2022.
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Get your BSC smart contracts audited with our credible auditing solutions!